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New Product Development

Project Type: Final project for business school coursework.


Role: Worked in a team of four on all aspects. 

Challenge: Develop a new product.


You can view the Final Presentation, Market Report, and Concept Proposal below.


It's going to be a long ride. Buckle in!


Have questions? I'd love to discuss! Please contact me on

Problem space: International relocation

Solution: Online resource inspired by Pinterest and Google Scholar.



  1. Analyze the market, consumer needs, and viability of the product.

  2. Create a user profile

  3. Calculate Opportunity Scores

  4. Make Trade-off decisions

  5. Design solution

  6. Evaluate barriers to adoption and risks.


Here's an insight into some of the methodologies used before we dive into the presentation!


Needs Identification

Used 4 methodologies to collect data on problem identification, pain points, the importance of the need, and value proposition.


These are explained in detail in the Concept Proposal and Market Evaluation reports, available below.

Card Sorting

Findings: Identified needs, benefits, and pain points, and combined our interview data from Exploratory and Lead User interviews on Figma.


Used this raw data to calculate Opportunity Scores and Trade-offs.


Please click here for the actual Figma file to read clearly.

Thank you for taking this journey with me. Don't want it to end? Me neither! Contact me. You'll make my day!

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